Diary Of A Wiccan

 Monday 3rd January

12 days till my Birthday!


Urgh the thought of having to get up early for work in the morning has been with me the whole day today, and the fact that my next day off isn’t until Sunday isn’t helping matters. I have however had a lovely day out with family today, and therefore have already broken my promise to myself to do Wicca studies for at least 30 mins a day. Well I have set myself a new promise. As I’ve had this horrid dizziness for the second day in a row, when I get home from work tomorrow, I’m going to do Monday’s lesson which is Divination followed by Tuesday’s lesson which is oh I can’t remember and my phone is downstairs so now have the horrid thought of getting out of my warm bed! But anyway I am going to do them both tomorrow and post them on here. That’s about it for today (ow am getting stabbing pains in my heart, jeez) I’ll be on tomorrow with more of an update. (Now to get my phone :( )

Night All

Blessed Be xx


Sunday 2nd January

13 days until my Birthday!

This morning I awoke at 8:00 to sound of my alarm going off. I had had a friend sleep over and she needed to go home early. When she went to get ready in the bathroom I found myself stumbling over my own feet and feeling a great lack of balance (which I’m putting down to a late night of playing Mario Kart on the Wii). I took her home and player a few more games of Mario Kart with various people from around the world (the wonders of WiFi) and then felt the sudden urge to start writing some of my Blog. I was filled with inspiration and ideas of what I could put on there (one of them being this daily diary entry). I went into the spare room, grabbed my Book of Shadows and other various books that I’d taken in there and sat on my bed. Whilst I had been doing those things I was thinking of ideas for the Blog and came up with the following:

  • Daily Diary Entry
  • Daily Spell
  • A Reading Record (Which will be included in my diary entry everyday)
  • A Structured Timetable (Which allows me to form a year and a day on my Blog covering all subjects)
  • And more which I’m sure will coming during the remainder of the day.

    For the daily spell I looked in my Daily Spells book by Arianne McCabe and chose what I believe to be a fitting first spell - The Morning Sun Spell because for me this represented the birth of a new beginning, the dawn, the start of a bright and prosperous new year of 2011 (and also the sun was shining bright through my bedroom window lightening my mood and making me feel good about Spring being almost upon us, when all the new flowers appear and everything is beautiful once again.)
    I began to write the spell and information out and then Googled the pretty image of the sun I found which just happened to be animated. I completed writing the spell and began to think what to do next and that’s when I came up with the reading record idea. I will include in my diary entry what I am reading and what page I’m on and then when I am finished I will include a book review.


    Getting a bit hungry now and the ideas are running out. Time for some breakfast. Pancakes with lemon and sultanas mmm delicious.

    As for the rest of the day

    I didn’t do much else because I came over with a horrid dizzy spell where the whole room felt as though it was spinning.

    Blessed Be xx

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