Daily Spell

The Morning Sun Spell

 Start the day with a spell to bless the sin and whatever wish you have for the day ahead. Whatever it is you want to achieve, wether it is success with a special project you are working on, recovery from an illness, or a boost of energy and extra strength to carry out a difficult task, try asking the universe for help!

        What You Will Need:
  • A Yellow Candle
  •  1 Metre Yellow or Gold Ribbon
  Ideally this spell should be performed around the time of a waxing or full moon. On first waking and getting out of bed, take the candle to a window where there is lots of light. (It doesn't have to be a sunny day, although the spell works best if the sun is bright.) Hold the candle up to the light, close your eyes and feel the candle charging. Consentrate on what you're asking the universe for help with. Now light the candle, while giving thanks to the sprirts for their blessing on the spell and the day.

Now sit or lie down and wind the ribbon around the middle finger of your writing hand. Relax and place your finger in the centre of your forehead (this is your third, or psychic eye). Visualise good light radiating all around and encompassing you. Relax and breathe in the light for at least 10 minutes and focus on what you want to achieve from the spell.

When you are ready, give thanks to the spirits for their blessing and open your eyes. Unwind the ribbon from your finger and keep it safe after the spell. Allow the candle to burn down fully if you can do so safely. If not, repeat the ritual daily until the candle is burned down.

Keep this ribbon safe and only for you Morning Sun Ritual, which you can perform every morning. This spell can also be performed without the ribbon and candles, using purely your visualisation and focus.

Bright blessings on your day... 

This spell was taken from Daily Spells by Arianne McCabe 

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