Sunday 2 January 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Merry Meet Everyone!

I hope everyone had a fab new year and here's to 2011.
Ok so I am going to kick off the new year by focusing on my Wiccan studies and writing on my blog every single day, thats right every day! I have decided to do a kind of year and a day entry system on here that will help myself as well as hopefully you to learn something about our wonderful religion every day.
I have made myself a little timetable on my PC that shows me what subject I need to study on that day and for how long...and as well as doing that - I am going to be posting a diary entry on here to show you all what I'm learning AND i'm also going to try and keep my other blogs up to date which are films and books. Should you wish to check either of these sites out I have included the links at the bottom of this post.

New things to look out for.
  • A Daily Spell
  • Daily Diary Entry
  • Information added to each subject every single day!
  • Plus lots more.
Please watch this space xx
Book Blog
Film Blog

Blessed Be Everyone xx